Hotel Lotus Beach Resort - Ven
gurla, New Delhi

Welcome to Hotel Lotus Beach Resort - Vengurla , New Delhi , India

Vengurla is a town just North of Goa in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra, India. The north, the east, and the south of Vengurla are surrounded by a semicircular range of hills with lush green scenery & natural beauty, while the Arabian Sea is located on its west. Vengurla is famous for its long stretch of iridescent sand, lined up with a thick carpet of palm, coconut, mango & berry plantations.

  The town has a rich cultural & heritage, beautiful temples (famous for the temples of Shri Devi Sateri Temple and Rameshwar Temple ) & is known in history as a busy port of yesteryears. The port was central to many trading activities during the rule of the Maratha King Chatrapati Shivaji. The relics of those heady golden days still stand tall inform of Huge Warehouses, Godowns, markets, and trading centers. The busy port of the Maratha warriors, however, now lies in tatters.   Vengrula has been making waves in the recent past more due to its beauty and beaches than its history.It has recently gained prominence and word-of-mouth advertising has led to the well-deserved recognition and upliftment of the place.